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We at T-MEC operate in a wide range of fields and with a global perspective,
so there are many opportunities for you to fulfill your potential.
While we are a community-based company,
we have projects throughout Japan and around the world,
and have plans for further global expansion.


Takaya Kadota
Sales Department
Expanding our circle of connections with various people as a member of society through our work
◎Work content
I belong to the sales department of the head office and conduct sales activities in a wide range of fields related to our company. I am eager to learn every day so that I can build a relationship of trust with customers, understand what they are looking for, make better proposals, and increase my own knowledge. I am able to gain experience while accompanying my seniors in their sales activities, and I have been able to meet many wonderful people and expand my activities.
◎Our good point
Although I have just joined the company, I am in an environment where it is easy to have daily conversations with my seniors, and my seniors carefully guide me to various questions about my work, so I can engage in business activities with peace of mind. It is a workplace where natural communication can always be carried out across departments, and it is easy to have conversations. Since everyone in the company values the connection between people, we also hold event activities to interact with many people outside the company, and there are opportunities to enjoy recreation. Thanks to the professionalism and experience of my seniors, I am learning from them the attitude towards work as a member of society.
Pandu Iman Santoso
Tokyo Branch
Japan’s advanced technology and products into oversea!
◎Work content
I gather information and tendering a proposal to provide Japan`s excellent technology and products overseas, especially south Asia countries (Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.). I translate information about Japan, prepare materials for exhibition oversea, and being as exhibitor and presenting the latest technology for environment conservation and water treatment from Japan. Also, engage in seismic structural design for civil engineering and construction in Japan, recollect data and create into report.
◎Our good point
This is my first experience in this field, then after I joined the company, I was trained at the head branch, and for an inexperience foreigner like me, seniors teach me everything from job mechanism, knowledge about construction and field works information. To acquire knowledge about Japanese business technique, I am often accompanying senior to visit the business partner place, and get a chance to observe Japanese culture and business manner. The office atmosphere is very friendly like home, that’s why the Company President and senior works very diligent. This company is not only a specialist group in civil engineering and construction, also concern about environment conservation, agriculture, food and cosmetics, as well as a field to achieve a lot of information and knowledge.
Yoki Ikeda
Inspection Diagnosis department
I value communication with others and I am growing more and more while I feel my job is very rewarding!
◎Work content
I was assined to Inspection Diagnosis department at headquarters and I am doing conduct inspection and diagnosis of structure construction・civil engineering-related.
At the site of the inspection, I am accumulating experience and knowledge day to day while I am taking a close look at my co-worker's work performance.
Not only field work but also compiling a report, I can consistently engage in, that's why it would feel like a big responsibility but is worth challenging.
◎Our good point
I have just joined the company recently so I do not know a lot of things here, but even there is something I do not understand
or am worried about, co-worker are taking care of me always, so it is easy for me to ask question to them. I feel it is very comfortable workplace here.
Also, I braced myself up when I saw my co-workers' professional attitude towards their work. Regardless of department, I often go to and work on the same site with co-worker, so we can communicate with each other naturally, so we band together as a team. As a member of the team, I am learning how important cooperating with each other and proceeding with work
Naoko Okamoto
Sales Department
I am learning various fields and operations while being taught by senior staffs!
◎Work content
I belong to the sales department of the head office, and as an administrative support for sales staff, I mainly prepare official application documents to be submitted to government offices, prepare various sales activity documents such as quotations, and also respond to visitors and phone calls from various fields. As a business, I don't have a lot of knowledge and experience yet, but I will learn and grow in various fields while being taught by my seniors.
◎Our good point
Communication is active not only within the department but also among all employees, so it is a good and lively workplace. Even in response to a variety of questions, my seniors carefully guide me, so I feel at ease working on my duties. Our company, which focuses on the civil engineering and construction fields, also handles a wide range of other products such as the environment and cosmetics, so I feel that I can gain knowledge through experience in various fields.


New Carrer
Job field Sales, Diagnosis & Inspection, Construction site management
Location Matsuyama, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka
Employment type Regular employee (Trial period available)
Job schedule 9:00~18:00(Full time)
Holiday Full weekly two days system,
Saturday will need to be replaced for the public holiday in a week.
We have summer holiday, New Year holiday, annual paid holiday, special leave
Salary Based on company regulation
Salary raise Once a year
Bonus Three times per year (summer, winter, year-end)
Insurance Employment, Workers accident, Health, Employees' Pension
Job field Sales, Construction site management, Structural design, CAD draftsman
Location Matsuyama, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka
Employment type Regular employee (Trial period available)
Job schedule 9:00~18:00(Full time)
Holiday Full weekly two days system,
Saturday will need to be replaced for the public holiday in a week.
We have summer holiday, New Year holiday, annual paid holiday, special leave
Salary Based on consideration of experience and age, determined by company regulation
Salary raise Once a year
Bonus Three times per year (summer, winter, year-end)
Insurance Employment, Workers accident, Health, Employees' Pension
Remarks People with Registered first class building operation and management engineer,
Registered first class civil construction management engineer,
or people with experiences are preferred.



下Please send the following documents with mail to our recruitment officer.

Documents to be submitted

〇 Resume (with photo)

〇 Experienced professional also need to submit their job history

※ Please be sure to fill in the desired work place, the timing when you can enter the company, the presence status (current or separation)

※ Please send with traceable registered mail, or letter pack etc.

Delivery address

T-MEC Recruitment officer
1-8-46, Misawa, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8022, Japan

Inquiries by phone

TEL: +81 89-922-1060
Reception time: 9:00〜18:00