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Patch Guard

Structure repair method

A method of preventing the recurrence of deterioration cross section.

CPT, “Concrete Preservation Technologies” of England developed products which represent the latest technologies for reinforced concrete corrosion repair, which is using the sacrificial anodes effective for preventing re-deterioration of cross-section repair area in concrete structures, and for suppressing corrosion of rebar due to salt damage or carbonation effects.
No external power is required since the difference potential of the zinc and iron can general electricity.

Feature of Patch Guard

  1. 1.Small and easy to be installed

    The anodes are put inside the hole of the concrete, which is near from the surface, will not be affected by the repair material, make the resurface work easy. Since the anodes are installed into drilled 25mm diameter holes, it is possible to shorten the construction period and reduce the cost.

  2. 2.It can prevent the recurrence of deterioration in unrepaired area which will be affected by macro cell corrosion.

    Supply the electricity to the rebar from the existing concrete to have a high effect of corrosion prevention.

Patch Guard anodes
After installation of Patch Guard

Anodes are installed into the orange color hole.

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