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Enzyme Decomposition Technologies

Living environment

By using the enzyme decomposition technologies,
we produce high value-added processed food.

By using three enzyme decomposition patented technologies, we made it possible to produce the processed food as nature intended. In these technologies, we do not use the conventional method such as heat decomposing, chemical decomposing, crushing, squeezing etc., but we use the enzyme technologies to extract the active ingredients at room temperature. We contribute to people’s health and long life by providing the nutritious processed food.

Unicellularization of plant cell technology

Technology of separating the cells without breaking the cell wall.
(apply in carrot, ginseng, mulberry leaves, garlic, soybean)

Ambient Temperature Enzyme room temperature decomposition elution technology

Technology of decompose the hard cereals and mushroom’s cell wall, by the enzyme at room temperature
(Process to supplements and have high reputation, in the substances of brown rice, lion mane mushroom, agaricus, bracket fungus, phellinus linteus)

Matrix Enzyme Emulsion of low molecular enzyme decomposition elution technology

Enzyme decomposition of the animals which have the valuable nutrients, are completely turn into colloidal state. Hydrolysis of rigid proteins such as collagen,low molecular of hyaluronic acid etc. (Suitable in process of hyaluronic acid collagen derived from cockscomb, chondroitin sulfate derived from shark etc.)

Other Method
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