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External Heat Insulation GNS Pin Net Method

Ecology building countermeasure

Finishing peels off prevention
+ external insulation renovation
= double merit

External wall insulation GNS pin net method is a construction method that prevent finishing from peels off with “thermal insulation” feature in addition without removing the existing finish. In addition to prolonging the life of the building, we can also conserve energy through external insulation.

Features of the External Insulation GNS Pin net Method

  1. 1.Prevents exterior materials from peeling and falling off

    By applying the pin net method in advance, prevents peeling and falling cause of the heat insulation material on the existing finishing material.

  2. 2.Improving the durability of the building

    The deterioration prevention effect by pin net method, also effective in reducing the influence of the external force that the concrete frame receives due to the insulation layer being from the outside.

  3. 3.Energy conserve effect

    In the external insulation method, heat insulation can be applied to the concrete, so a sudden change in room temperature does not occur. In addition, in the advance energy conservation standards, the external insulation is about 20% smaller thermal resistance than the internal insulation, so it is possible to reduce the heating and cooling cost.

  4. 4.Condensation control

    In the external insulation, the temperature of the concrete frame is close to room temperature, so condensation does not occur on the concrete surface, inside or in contact with the heat insulation material.

  5. 5.Waste reduction

    This method can reduce waste materials compared to the conventional method, because it is applied from above the existing finishing materials.

  6. 6.Special anchor pins that do not become a thermal conductor

Construction procedure

Other Method
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