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Solar Energy Service【Power Purchase Agreement】

Ecology building countermeasure

We propose “Solar environment energy service”.

In recent years, as the momentum for the environment and renewable energy has increased, we propose the installation of solar power generation equipment, power storage equipment, etc. by utilizing the site and roof owned by our customer. In addition, the service will based on the SDGs’ efforts to “aim for a sustainable and better world” by reducing the air conditioning load due to the heat shield effect and the CO2 reduction effect due to solar power generation.

Contents of solar energy service

◆It is a service that installs solar power generation equipment and power storage equipment on the facilities (site, roof, etc.) owned by the customer and supplies the power generated from the equipment.
◆Customers are required to pay the service fee according to the amount of power consumed. After the contract period expires, it is possible to extend the contract or transfer the equipment free of charge.
◆If the amount of electricity used by the customer exceeds the amount of solar power generated, the electricity can be purchased from a separately contracted electricity retailer as before.     

Solar energy service diagram

Benefits of solar energy services

◆No initial cost
◆We choose the optimum capacity and select materials in consideration of the installation environment.
◆No risk of development & generation

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