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Disk Shear Key Method

Seismic retrofit

This is the method which uses a special joint disk and it makes it possible to perform seismic retrofit in low cost.

Disk Shear key method applied in retrofit work will reduce the vibration, noise, dust instead of using the traditional anchor joining.
Steel brace retrofit joint
Isolation brace retrofit joint
Seismic wall retrofit joint
Watch the introduction video here

Schematic of method

Feature of disk shear key

  1. 1. It helps to reduce the noise when install in the construction area, and contribute to cost reduction by shorten the period of construction.
  2. 2. The shear strength is about 4 to 6 times as much as the construction anchor, thus the amount of construction can be reduced.
  3. 3. We do not need the roughening (Except for finishing, removing mortar etc.), and thus reduce noise and suppress the generation of dust.
  4. 4. Since we use the drill for the work, it is possible to reduce the noise by up to 30dB ( compared by our company) compared with conventional hammer drill.
  5. 5. The depth of the embedding is much more shorter than the traditional, it is possible to apply within the thickness of cover depth in SRC structure.
Other Method
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