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Various Non-Destructive Investigations

Inspection of building

Utilize a special equipment to investigate the situation inside the member.

We estimate the reinforcement and defects of concrete interior, the floating of the exterior wall, and the strength of the structure by utilizing the advance technology special equipment without damaging the building. Our professional engineer can select appropriate non-destructive inspection methods according to the purpose of investigation and extract the necessary information for long-term maintenance of the buildings.

Purpose of measurement The method used
Compressive strength of concrete Repulsive Hardness method
Thickness of concrete,internal defect,
crack depth
Ultrasonic method, electromagnetic wave radar method, Impact acoustic Wave method
Reinforcement investigation
in Concrete
Electromagnetic wave radar method, electromagnetic induction method, X-ray method
Estimation of corrosion range of internal reinforcing bars Natural potential method
Estimation of corrosion rate of internal reinforcing bars Polarization resistance method
Underground object and Cavity survey Electromagnetic wave radar method
Investigation of cavity investigation and equipment piping observation by Fiberscope, X-ray method
External wall tile, mortar float Infrared method
Defect evaluation of steel welded joints Ultrasonic flaw testing, phased array ultrasonic inspection
Other Method
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