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Seismic diagnosis, Seismic retrofit design

Design work

We grasp the seismic performance of building and propose the best retrofit plan for you.

Japan is the world class earthquake country, seismic resistant design law has changed every time a major disaster occurs. As a result, the seismic resistance of buildings has progressed along with national promotion projects. We are consistently providing the service from seismic diagnosis to seismic resistance by our experienced staff.

Seismic diagnosis

The buildings which were designed with the old standard of seismic resistance (before 1981) , will need to be judged the risk of collapse due to a major earthquake. We are consistently doing from seismic diagnosis to seismic retrofit proposal.

Seismic retrofit design

We will conduct the seismic retrofit design according to the result of seismic diagnosis when it is necessary. Simultaneously, we will consider various factors such as improvement of seismic resistant performance, designing, living environment performance.

Seismic diagnosis process

Other Method
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