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Structural System

Design work

We provide the optimal load-resisting sub-system of a building or object, and contribute to building a safe and secure social infrastructure.

Buildings must first be sound against earthquakes, typhoons, snowfall, and tsunamis that threaten human life and assets.

Based on our extensive experience, we provide structural design services for the safety and economic viability of a wide variety of structures, including high-rise buildings, commercial facilities, medical facilities, logistics and production facilities, cultural, social, and public facilities, marine and port facilities, and underground structures.

Structural design

We design buildings to be safe not only against earthquakes, but also against various external forces by formulating and planning skeletal construction systems, dynamic characteristics, and structures according to the type of structure, scale of building, and use of the building.

Time-history analysis (earthquake response analysis)

In addition to Time-history analysis, we design high-rise buildings, and seismic control and isolation structures that efficiently absorb seismic energy, with each rating (evaluation and permission from the highest government-designated building technology agency). We verify building safety by precisely analyzing the assumed behavior of buildings during major earthquakes and storms.

Our architectural designs in various countries

Particularly in recent years, building structural systems have been incorporated into earthquake disaster management in many parts of the world.The techniques we have acquired through Time-history analysis and seismic design are also used in overseas construction.
Time history response analysis model (high-rise buildings)
Other Method
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