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Various repair / Retrofit design

Design work

Contribute to the society with the optimal method in the repair and retrofit design.

In recent years, buildings and civil structures which were built in the high economic period, are getting deteriorate due to the age, and it has become a major social problem today. The technologies for repair and retrofit are advancing every year. We will perform a detail investigation on the abnormalities which confirmed by various inspections, to propose an optimal plan for the repair and retrofit.

Flow of repair and retrofit design

In the repair design, we return the building and civil structure to its original condition, while in the retrofit design, we upgrade the performance to the better condition. We choose the optimal method for the design in both cases.

Repair cases

  1. Exterior wall composite renovation method
  2. Tile peeling prevention method with clear coating
  3. Restoration tile for replacement
  4. Exterior wall coating material asbestos removal work
  5. Outdoor special heat insulation waterproof renovation
  6. Salt damage countermeasure method
  7. Peeling prevention method
  8. Others

Retrofit cases

  1. Seismic isolation and vibration control method
  2.  (Steel braces, continuous fibers, cable braces)
  3. Retrofit of beam due to the drilling hole of facilities
  4. Bending reinforcement by carbon fiber molded plate
  5. A reinforcement on opening walls, beams and floors
  6. Floor seismic isolation method
  7. Retrofit by special PCM
  8. Others

Case photo

    • Peeling prevention
    • Seismic Retrofit method
    • Floor slab reinforcement with carbon fiber molded plate
Other Method
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